Organizations are a powerful feature in Straddle that allow you to manage multiple accounts under a single umbrella. This hierarchical structure is particularly useful for businesses with complex operations, multiple departments, or those managing payments for various clients.

Understanding Organizations

Think of an organization as the parent entity that can house multiple Straddle accounts. This structure offers several advantages:

  1. Centralized Management: Oversee all your accounts from a single dashboard.
  2. Streamlined Onboarding: Easily create new accounts using existing KYC information.
  3. Consolidated Reporting: Get a holistic view of your business operations across all accounts.
  4. Unified Team Management: Manage user roles and permissions at the organization level.
  5. Cross-Account Search: Quickly find information across all your accounts.

Creating an Organization

To start leveraging the power of organizations, you first need to create one. Use the Create Organization endpoint to set up a new organization in Straddle.


When creating an organization, you can specify the following attributes:

namestringThe name of your organization. Choose something recognizable and unique.
metadataobjectAdditional key-value pairs for storing extra information about the organization.
external_idstringYour own unique identifier for the organization, useful for cross-referencing.

Example Request

Here’s how you might create a new organization:


Upon successful creation, Straddle will respond with the details of the newly created organization:

idstringStraddle’s unique identifier for the organization.
namestringThe name you provided for the organization.
external_idstringYour provided unique identifier for the organization.
metadataobjectThe additional key-value pairs you provided.

Managing Organizations

Once you’ve created an organization, you can start adding accounts to it, managing team access, and leveraging its capabilities for streamlined operations.

Listing Organizations

To view all the organizations you’ve created, use the List Organizations endpoint. This is particularly useful when managing multiple organizations or when you need to retrieve a specific organization’s ID.

Query Parameters

namestringFilter organizations by name (supports partial matching).
external_idstringFilter organizations by their external ID.
page_numberintegerThe page number for paginated results (default: 1).
page_sizeintegerNumber of results per page (default: 100, max: 1000).
sort_bystringField to sort by (default: ‘id’).
sort_orderstringSort order: ‘asc’ or ‘desc’ (default: ‘asc’).

Example Request

Here’s how you might list your organizations:

Best Practices

When working with organizations in Straddle, consider the following best practices:

Next Steps

Now that you understand how to create and manage organizations, you’re ready to start leveraging their power in Straddle. Here are some next steps you might consider: