When you need to track down a particular message that was sent to one of your endpoints, Straddle provides filtering options to help you quickly locate the information you need.

Endpoint-Level Filtering

If you know the endpoint that the message was delivered to:

  1. Go to the endpoint’s details page.

  2. You will see a filtered list of all messages sent to that endpoint.

  3. Use the Event Type filter to show only messages of a specific event type.

Date and Time Filters

If you have an approximate timeframe in mind:

  • Narrow down your search by applying a Date Filter to the endpoint’s message list.

  • This helps you focus on messages sent during a particular time window.

Global Logs Filtering

If you’re unsure which endpoint received the message or if you have multiple endpoints:

  1. Navigate to the “Logs” tab in your console.

  2. Use the global filtering and search functionality to narrow down your query.

  3. By applying filters (such as event type, endpoint, or date range), you can quickly locate the specific message you’re looking for.

These filtering options make it easy to trace and troubleshoot events, ensuring you can pinpoint and address issues with minimal effort.