The Straddle API is designed around REST principles. Our API features intuitive, resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and utilizes standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

API Environments

You can use the Straddle API in sandbox mode, which doesn’t affect your live data or interact with real banking networks. It’s crucial to use the correct combination of API key and environment URL:

  • Sandbox API keys must be used with the sandbox environment URL
  • Production API keys must be used with the production environment URL
Using mismatched keys and URLs will result in authentication errors.


Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Bearer Auth. Your API key should be included in the Authorization header of each request:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Request Format

The Straddle API accepts JSON-encoded request bodies. Make sure to set the Content-Type header to application/json when sending request data.

Response Format

Responses from the Straddle API are always JSON-encoded. Successful responses include a data object containing the requested information, while error responses include an error object with details about what went wrong.

API Limitations

The Straddle API is designed for individual object operations. Bulk updates are not supported, meaning you can work on only one object per request.

Best Practices

  1. Always use HTTPS for API requests to ensure data security.
  2. Include a unique Request-Id header with each request to help with debugging and tracking.
  3. Use the Correlation-Id header for requests that are part of a larger operation or transaction.
  4. Implement proper error handling to gracefully manage API responses.

By following these guidelines and understanding the structure of the Straddle API, you’ll be well-equipped to build robust integrations with our platform.

For detailed information on specific endpoints and request/response structures, please refer to the relevant sections of this API reference documentation.