List customers
Use this endpoint to list or search for customers using filters or query parameters
JWT Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. Enter 'Bearer ' [space] and then your token in the text input below.
For use by platforms to specify an account id and set scope of a request.
Optional client generated identifier to trace and debug a request.
Optional client generated identifier to trace and debug a series of requests.
Query Parameters
Page number for paginated results. Starts at 1. Default: 1.
Number of results per page. Default: 100. Maximum: 1000.
, created_at
, desc
Start date for filtering by creation date.
End date for filtering by creation date.
Filter customers by name (partial match).
Filter by your system's customer identifier.
Filter customers by email address.
Filter customers by their current status.
, review
, verified
, inactive
, rejected
General search term to filter customers.
Filter by customer type ('individual' or 'business').
, business
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